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Rage and a Dog
Winter 2019 - Summer 2020
This campaign was run by one of my good friends. What started as a one shot fun day turned into a massive quest to save the material plane from a Shadow Dragon gone mad. The party had a few members pass through the group, from starting with a wild-card elf boy to finishing with a rage demon, a forgetful barbarian, and wise old man. Kekka sought to find revenge for her village's slaughter 1000 years ago, Ravva wished to find her true purpose and home again, and Shaw felt compelled to return to protecting after his many years of self-inflicted solitude and exile. 
The group did many great deeds: fought and took down an Elder Brain, found a lost island of vanished dragons, and brought together the entirety of nations to clash with the shadow dragon's armies in battle. In the end they all achieved their goals and saved those that called the material plane their home. Kekka, finally at peace after her 1000 years unable to pass on, said her goodbyes and happily greeted her departed village in the afterlife. Ravva returned to her home filled with a drive to lead her people in the right direction. Shaw became reunited with the love of his life after so many years and finally reconciled with his troubled past. Now we get to start again, our group of players moving on to a new wonderful journey...
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